"U.S. Trial Firm of the Year" – 3 Consecutive Years (Benchmark; Law360)

‘GoodPop vs. Bad Pop’: False Advertising Suit Over Added Sugar

Hueston Hennigan is representing GoodPop, makers of better-for-you frozen treats, in a lawsuit filed against JonnyPops, makers of competitive frozen fruit pops primarily made with cane sugar, for unfair competition and false advertising around added sugar.

According to the lawsuit, despite being sold in healthy grocery stores like Whole Foods and Sprouts and featuring misleading images of fruit on its packaging, JonnyPops’ two main ingredients are water and added cane sugar. In fact, its products have 66% more added sugar per fluid ounce than a traditional Coke. In comparison, GoodPop’s bestselling line of Junior Pops doesn’t contain any added sugar and is made with 100% fruit juice and/or purees.

The suit comes during peak popsicle season when millions scour grocery store shelves to find better-for-you frozen treats for their families and amidst a growing wave of conversations around misleading labeling of better-for-you products.

The team includes John Hueston, Sourabh Mishra, Christine Woodin and Andreas Petasis.

The case has received media coverage in outlets including Law.com, Law360 and Bloomberg.